3 September 2008

Mollisols from Greenwood County, Kansas

Mollisols order taken from Greenwood County, Kansas, shown organic horizon with 0 to 10 cm thick above, and 10 to 20 cm was C horizon in what we called regolith that's transform from bedrock (R) with >30 cm depth level. Mollisols was richest with organic material as epipoden that recognized as Mollic epipedon. The base saturation was high caused by low of rainfall, that's make difference between Mollisols and Spodosols organic materials epipedon, even the content was in same ratio, but we also distinguish with organic base saturation, spodic epipedon was have lower base saturation from mollic epipedon, it caused by high rainfall in spodosols area.

2 September 2008

Pittstown series: New Emgland soil profiles

Pittstown soils are moderately well drained soils formed in loamy dense till derived primarily from carboniferous rocks and minerals dominated by sandstone, slate, schist, phyllite, and shale. The dark colored till is due to the high carbon contained in minerals within the parent rocks. The dark colors of the soil causes some difficulty to determine the depth to estimated average seasonal high water table. Pittstown soils are in a catena with well drained Newport soils, poorly drained Stissting soils and very poorly drained Mansfield soils. These soils are mapped primarily in the Narragansett Basin and in the Boston Basin in southern New England (taken from http://nesoil.com/images/pittstown.htm, page maintained by Jim Turenne)

24 August 2008

Agronomy challenges

In this recent time, we face the truth about land resources decrease, that's means we should race to increase the agriculture products in order to offering feeds and seeds for helping human being. We invited you to joint with us in share and discuss about many problems and solutions about how to increased the agriculture product, so welcome in domain about "we feed the world"